
1- Telomeres Connect Us Together for a Brighter Future

Highlighting the Importance of Telomere Biology Disorder Month November marks Telomere Biology Disorder (TBD) Awareness Month—a time dedicated to illuminating…

5 months ago

Rare Diseases Day – 28/02

Exploring the Power of Rare - Welcome to the World of Rare Diseases! Although we humans may share 99.9% similarity,…

2 years ago

Telomere & Preventive Medicine

Could preventive medicine be as simple as a blood test? Some diseases can be overlooked when it comes to preventive…

3 years ago

Telomere testing 101: what is behind this door?

Telomeres?? Telomere length?? What in the world! These are the typical reactions among the ones that come across the word…

3 years ago

Guest blog: Team Telomere launches new TBD Diagnosis and Management Guidelines

The second edition Telomere Biology Disorders: Diagnosis and Management Guidelines have been officially published. This is a comprehensive reference manual…

3 years ago

Guest blog: Jeni shares her experience with short telomeres for Rare Disease Day

To help raise awareness of rare disease dyskeratosis congenita, and other telomere biology disorders caused by short telomeres, Jeni has…

3 years ago

Telomere testing sample preparation

Preparing samples for shipment to RepeatDx for Flow FISH telomere length testing is a simple process, here we run through…

3 years ago

Happy Holidays: RepeatDx closure dates

Please be aware of the RepeatDx (North America) holiday closure dates when shipping samples for telomere length testing. If you…

3 years ago

Video: Techniques to measure telomere length

Accurately measuring telomere length is important for the diagnosis of telomere biology disorders, for research into how telomeres affect health…

3 years ago

Video: How telomere length impacts cancer risk

People with either very short or very long telomeres are at increased risk of developing cancer – this is called…

3 years ago