Preparing samples for shipment to RepeatDx for Flow FISH telomere length testing is a simple process, here we run through…
Accurately measuring telomere length is important for the diagnosis of telomere biology disorders, for research into how telomeres affect health…
Telomeres shorten as we age and the risk of cancer increases as we get older; here we explore some ways…
In this blog we examine what short telomeres are and what short telomere syndromes can mean for certain individuals. What…
There are multiple different terms for telomere biology disorders, here we explain what they are and what conditions they can…
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization classified COVID-19 as a pandemic. While the risk in North Vancouver, British Columbia…
Providing a correct and timely diagnosis can be challenging, especially for rare diseases. In this blog we address some key…