
15 Facts about RepeatDx to Celebrate our 15th Anniversary

RepeatDx was established in British Columbia, Canada in May 2005. Fifteen years on, as we celebrate our anniversary, we wanted to take a moment to share some quick telomere testing facts.

RepeatDx telomere testing facts

  1. Dr Peter Lansdorp developed the Flow FISH telomere testing protocol
  2. RepeatDx was established as a spin-off from his lab at the BC Cancer Agency
  3. The Flow FISH procedure was published in Nature Protocols in 2006
  4. RepeatDx is fully licensed in all 50 US States, Canada and Europe
  5. Flow FISH telomere testing is the only diagnostic testing we conduct
  6. We can test up to six cell types from one blood sample
  7. We are based in North Vancouver, Canada and accept samples from around the world
  8. Clinical telomere length testing is our top priority
  9. Telomere length testing was originally defined to diagnose dyskeratosis congenita
  10. Peer-reviewed publications have shown Flow FISH telomere testing to be effective at identifying telomere biology disorders
  11. Telomere testing can also be informative for pulmonary fibrosis, bone marrow failure and myelodysplastic syndrome
  12. We are actively involved in telomere biology research
  13. We do not offer direct to consumer testing
  14. Our team continues to grow to meet increased demand
  15. Our average turn around time consistently beats our 15 business day target

To find out more about the Flow FISH telomere testing we conduct have a look at this section of our website.

Learn more about the RepeatDx journey over the last fifteen years in this special anniversary blog.

Follow our RepeatDx Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts to make sure you don’t miss updates and news.


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