Below you will find the 4 most important pieces of advice we want to share, to ensure successful and efficient telomere length testing with RepeatDx! For more advice, you can also watch our video outlining the process of sample preparation and shipment here.
Author: RepeatDx
What do you need to know about BC MSP & telomere testing?
Telomere length testing can provide vital information for the diagnosis and management of Telomere Biology Disorders, as well as other conditions. What should doctors in British Columbia be aware of when it comes to the Medical Services Plan coverage of telomere testing? Why order a telomere test? A telomere length test is a blood test […]
Pulmonary fibrosis and telomere length analysis
Let’s take a look at pulmonary fibrosis, and some of the research that is furthering knowledge around the role telomere length analysis could play in guiding clinical decisions. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) is a rare disease affecting approximately 5 million people worldwide. The average age at presentation is 66 years old. It is also the […]
Six conditions telomere length information is important for
The infographic below highlights some of the key medical conditions that telomere length analysis can be important for. The information provided by telomere length analysis can help aid diagnosis, treatment planning and disease course prediction. As research is ongoing we’re going to keep learning about new situations where telomere length information could be extremely useful. […]
What are telomeres and how do they function?
Five benefits of telomere testing
The infographic below explains some of the key advantages of telomere testing, for patients, clinicians and researchers. You can find out more about the uses of telomere testing here.
Team Telomere launches inspiring new video
Team Telomere, in collaboration with RepeatDx, have just launched a brand-new video explaining telomere biology disorders. We are very pleased to be able to share with you the new Team Telomere video launched this week! The video runs through what telomeres are, what causes telomere biology disorders, what the symptoms can be and how they […]
6-panel versus 2-panel telomere length tests
RepeatDx offers both 2- and 6-panel telomere length tests, here we’ll take a look at the differences and what you should consider when determining which test to order. Telomere length analysis has emerged as an important diagnostic and screening tool for a range of telomere maintenance conditions including: Dyskeratosis congenita Pulmonary fibrosis Bone marrow failure […]
CYTO 2019 – 34th Congress of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry, Vancouver BC, June 22-26, 2019
Members of the RepeatDx team will be attending CYTO 2019 – 34th Congress of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry in Vancouver BC, June 22-26, 2019.
Dyskeratosis Congenita, Telomere Biology Disorders and the role of telomere length testing
Find out more about Dyskeratosis Congenita and Telomere Biology Disorders; what causes them, why the symptoms can vary and the importance of an accurate diagnosis. What is Dyskeratosis Congenita? Dyskeratosis Congenita (DC) is an inherited bone marrow failure syndrome that develops as a result of defective telomere maintenance. DC is therefore classed as a telomere […]