Modified Instruments For Telomere Length Measurement

RepeatDx has received its second three-laser flow cytometer. Both instruments have been modified to achieve optimal telomere length measurements using our flow-FISH procedure.

Our technologies available at RepeatDx are built to meet the increasing demand for telomere length measurement for clinical and other research studies.

Recent publications have highlighted the role of telomere length measurement in the diagnosis and management of dyskeratosis congenita, and lymphocyte homeostasis in hepatitis‐associated acquired aplastic anemia.

As the need for accurate, reproducible telomere measurement increases, our flow-FISH analysis becomes increasingly relevant for clinical research.

What is flow-FISH?

Flow-FISH is a unique flow cytometry-based procedure, that uses blood samples to perform telomere length analysis. Flow-FISH is proven to be more accurate, reproducible and sensitive than other procedures in the measure of human leukocyte’s telomeres.

By analyzing different cell subsets, flow-FISH provides more information per sample than any other method of telomere measurement. This provides physicians with more detailed information to make their analysis, helping to guide personalized treatment options and strategies.

What is flow-FISH used for?

Flow-FISH analysis is used to analyze telomere length in children and young adults with dyskeratosis congenita and in patients with aplastic anemia, Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

For patients with aplastic anemia, telomere length holds predictive value for the response to immunosuppressive therapy. Telomere length also holds predictive value for time-to-disease progression in patients with Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).

How accurate is flow-FISH?

Our flow-FISH procedure is designed and validated to pass thorough control testing standards in clinical tests. As patient samples are analyzed and compared to a large set of healthy individuals, representing all age ranges equally.

How do I order a test?

RepeatDx does not provide telomere testing services directly to the consumer. To order a telomere test, please provide test order forms to your healthcare professional to fulfill. Should you or your doctor require more information, feel free to peruse frequently asked questions or contact our telomere testing facility.
